Nimborio: the most exotic... sheepfold of Greece

We fly over a beautiful, exotic beach in the Nimborio area of ​​Evia, which is only 40 minutes (by sea) or about 2 hours (by road) from Athens.

The place is incredibly gifted. A windless, large, deep cove with shallow sand throughout its depth that deepens smoothly, with a rich seabed of sea anemones that hide when facing humans and many species of fish such as red mullet and tongues.

In this landscape, everyone's mind would go to a large tourist unit developed on the coast, or even a beach bar with sunbeds, comfortable road access and ... valet parking so that the traffic from the crowded people could be smooth.

But when we talk about our country, everything is possible.
Instead of bathers, the beach is enjoyed by ... kids and sheep.
Instead of sunbeds, there are drywalls and trees for these nice four-legged animals to sit under.
Instead of a hotel, a ... sheepfold instead of a road access with a big road, a path inside the planted stone.
The absolutely paradoxical setting.

But it is these paradoxes that beautify Greece and keep it virgin and unexplored, and we would definitely like to try the products of this ..exotic corral.
The access as we mentioned for a really unique bath is made through a path with NW direction, which starts where the central beach of Nimborio ends. If you visit the area, it is definitely worth a dip in the blue of this beach.