Greek honey, its types, characteristics and properties

Honey is no longer just another sweetener on the daily table, but through scientific research its valuable and innumerable nutritional and healing properties have been discovered.


Honey is a nutritious, beneficial and directly assimilable food. According to the Food and Drinks Code, honey is the natural sweet substance produced by the bees of Apis Mellifera from the nectar of plants or by secretions of living plants or insect excretions found on the living parts of plants, which bees collect, mix with special materials of their body, deposit, dehydrate and store in the honeycombs of the hive to mature.


How honey is produced


Bees collect nectar, and enzymes in their saliva, break down sucrose into glucose and fructose, which are stored in the honeycombs to feed the hive through the winter. Excess water in the honeycombs is evaporated by the constant aeration provided by the bees' wings. The resulting thick, sticky liquid is what we know as honey.

The composition of honey

The factors that influence composition are the time of year, environmental conditions, processing conditions and the varieties of flower nectar. Essentially, the major dietary components are carbohydrates (simple sugars: fructose and glucose). In addition to water, honey contains small amounts of proteins, vitamins, metals, trace elements, enzymes and polyphenols, including flavonoids from pollen, which can help identify the source of the honey.

Although honey has more calories than sugar (60 calories / tablespoon), it still contains more than 180 different substances, most of which are nutritious and useful. We can mention almost 18 organic acids, amino acids, peptides and other nitrogen compounds, vitamins B, C, D, E, natural flavorings, enzymes, prebiotic fibers, etc.

Honey is retained for a long time in proper storage conditions.

Crystallization of honey

Crystallization of honey is a natural phenomenon. It does not cause any change in the nutritional and biological value of honey. A crystallized honey is not damaged or adulterated. It is fluidized without losing its value.


General properties of honey

The invaluable empirical knowledge of many centuries about the nutritional, tonic, healing properties of bee products has now been incorporated into a series of scientific activities called apitherapy, which systematically study their beneficial contribution to human nutrition and health. Bee products are not medicines and cannot replace pharmaceutical formulations, but they can increase their effectiveness and reduce any side effects.

The recent study of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki has demonstrated the beneficial effects of Greek honey on the human body. 48 different honey samples were collected from all over Greece and from all flowers, and they were proven to have an impressive antioxidant effect and can fight the degeneration of cancer cells with incredible effectiveness. The head of the research, Ms. Tannakakis Chrysoula, emphasized that honey can prevent diseases as a powerful nutritional antioxidant. In the study of their antioxidant effect, the dark oak honey turned out to be stronger while the spruce, heather, chestnut and pine followed. It was also found that the "renowned" aroma of orange and thyme are low in antioxidant effect.

More specifically, honey appears to promote wound healing and have significant antimicrobial activity against fungi, viruses and about 60 microbial species. In addition, honey forms a kind of closed dressing that protects the wound, so tested in various types of ulcers with good results, but also in cases of ulcers, dermatitis after radiotherapy, even in cases of severe acne. It has also been reported that it can help minimize the size of scars. Medicinal honey is often used in these cases (medical grade honey). Honey has a positive effect on the immune system by limiting the production of free radicals thanks to its flavonoids.

In addition, honey has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, for which there are no known contraindications. In addition, the application of honey has a pain-relieving effect.

Honey and diabetes mellitus

Honey has a Glycemic Index (GI) around 55, whereupon it is classified between low and moderate GI food, which leads in comparison to high GI food to a smaller blood sugar rise.

Honey, when it enters the body, is recognized as a "biological product" and the absorption of glucose into the blood is in moderation (it is absorbed according to the body's need) and not uncontrolled as with sugar. Even for a diabetic, honey can become a medicine, and the ideal is considered to be that of Koumaria(Coumaric honey)(bitter), which has the lowest sugar content, and acacia honey, as it contains little sucrose.


The types of Greek honey. Characteristics and properties 70-80% of the total Greek honey production comes from forest plants. The larger amounts of honey come from pine (55-60%), while the production of Elati(5-10%) and oak is also significant. A relatively small honey production comes from plant flowers found in the forest, such as heather, chestnut, thyme, sage and others.

The honey produced is divided into two main categories based on its origin:

(a) the flower honey, obtained from the nectar of flowers (thyme, orange, cotton, sunflower, heather, acacia, apple, cherry, limonia, etc.). Nectar honey is made from fine sweet droplets secreted by the flowers. When grinding and accepted by the bees, they are transformed into honey. In terms of its composition, it is distinguished into:

pure (from a nectar of one species) and

mixed (honey from the nectar of many flowers).

(b) honey, which is obtained from the exudates (insects) of the plant waste. This category includes the honey of pine, fir and other forest plants.

Pine honey

About 65% of the total honey production in Greece is pine honey. The honey comes from the secretions of the insect Marchalina Hellenica, known as "cotton", "worker", "microbe" or "parasite" of the pine. The main areas of pine honey production are North Evia, Chalkidiki, Thassos, Skopelos, Zakynthos and Rhodes. It is produced in areas and seasons that are not sprayed with pesticides, far away from the polluting environment of the cities, which offers the possibility to use the bees in an organic way. These characteristics are sought after, not only as pure honey, but also as "infrastructure" honey in the various blends produced in other honey classes.

The taste: it has a particular taste that is easy to make out and it is viscous. Because of its low sugar content, it is not particularly sweet.

Perfume: special. These are similar to the scent of iodine.

Color: The color of the fowl is characteristic and darker than that of thyme. That, in fact, produced in spring is brighter and clearer than that produced in autumn.

Crystallization: Because of the low natural content of fresh glucose, its crystallization occurs with several slow steps. Pure pine honey remains liquid for more than a year and a half, while their mixtures with heather, cotton, sunflower or polycomab honey crystallize in 2-5 months.

Seasonality: from mid-August they start melting segregations in large quantities and continue until the next spring. However, the periods when the secretions are used to produce the pine honey are from August to October. The pine honey produced in the spring is not quite similar to that produced in the fall. It is brighter, clearer, it has a special aroma.

Nutritive value: the pine honey is considered a honey with high nutritive value, which refers to its high ash content. This is mainly due to the large number of different substances. Among these substances predominate metals and trace elements (calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, etc.), which are found in high concentrations in Greek honeys. Because of its low sugar content it is suitable for diabetics and has fewer calories compared to the flower.


Fir honey

It accounts for about 5-7% of the annual production in Greece and is mainly produced by Elati Cephalonia (Abies Cephalonica) which covers large areas in the mountainous areas south of Mount Olympus, Evrytania, Pertouli, Karpenissi, Taygetos , in Arcadia, Parnitha and elsewhere.

The honey has a low moisture content. PH is higher than all other honey classes. Therefore, the fir honey is modified more slowly compared to the other honey classes, especially flower honey, which have a low pH.

Taste: Elati honey is one of the Greek honey classes with a particularly good taste and characteristic appearance that stands out.

Perfume: Deep perfume, reminiscent of forest and flowers.

Color: Its color varies according to the region of origin. It is intensely honey-colored, darker in some areas and lighter in others.

Crystallization: Due to the low percentage of glucose, it does not crystallize, which makes it desirable for mixing in commercial recipes.

Nutritional value: it is rich in trace elements (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, etc.). It contains vitamins in very small amounts, but even this small amount helps in better assimilation of sugar by the human body.

Fir Vanilla

Fir honey with special properties is produced in the area of Vytina, Arcadia. It has a special appearance due to the metallic reflections that appear inside, it is very viscous and is called "fir-vanilla". Fir Mainalo-Vanilla Honey has been recognized as a product with a Protected Designation of origin. It is characterized by the creamy reflections that are produced inside. It is thick, amber in color and has a particular aroma. Its nutritional and biological value is very high, being a honey with a high concentration of trace elements, it is rich in carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, enzymes and B vitamins.

Citrus honey (flower honey)

Citrus blossom honey, together with honey from other fruits, accounts for 25% of Greek production. Citrus fruits are mainly grown in Epirus, Peloponnese, Crete and the islands.

Taste: Extremely special taste.

Aroma: Intense, wonderfully earthy aroma, with orange blossom aroma.

Color: Light yellow.

Crystallization: It crystallizes very quickly, so it is good to consume it in a short time (from 1-2 months).

Seasonality: Summer

Nutritional value: citrus honey has the highest zinc content compared to other honeys. To preserve the nutritional value of this type of honey, it should be consumed in a short time and protected from high temperatures.


Thyme honey

Of the approximately 12,000 tons that Greece produces annually, 1,000, or 10% is thyme. This honey is considered to be of particularly high quality due to its excellent aroma and taste and is in great demand. It is produced mainly on the islands, but also throughout the mainland, where the various species of thyme grow.

Taste: Thyme honey has a pleasant taste, but sometimes it gives a feeling of "burning" in the larynx because of the high concentration of fructose.

Aroma: Pleasant and characteristic.

Color: It has a characteristic light amber color.

Crystallization: Crystallizes over a period of 6 to 18 months, depending on the pure character.

Seasonality: Summer.

Nutritional value: It is rich in minerals and trace elements. It is tonic, has antiseptic properties, increases energy and physical strength of man. Recommended for prevention - treatment of infectious diseases, digestive and respiratory.

Chestnut honey

Is made from the nectar and honey secretions of the chestnut tree, which is considered an excellent beekeeping plant and is quite common in the mountainous zone of Greece. In Macedonia, chestnut honey is collected mainly on the peninsula of Mount Athos. In the EU directive, chestnut honey is called floral honey with honeycomb characteristics. For this reason, the botanical origin must be indicated on the packaging label, whether it is in pure or mixed form. It is quite thick.

Taste: very intense, strong, bitter and persistent taste that accompanies the strong impression created by the smell.

Aroma: Rich, strong and particular aroma.

Color: It varies according to the origin, from light brown to dark brown and black.

Crystallization: Slow, after 1-2 years.

Seasonality: Summer

Nutritional value: According to Caillas (1971), chestnut honey accelerates blood circulation and acts as an astringent in some cases of dysentery. It is rich in amino acids and trace elements. It has antitranspirant properties.


Oak Honey

Underestimated for many years, oak honey has finally found its place and captivates consumers who love intense flavors.

Taste: Intense, special flavor.

Aroma: Intense, special aroma.

Color: Very dark, almost black.

Crystallization: Crystallizes with difficulty.

Seasonality: Summer

Nutritional value: In the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki research mentioned above, oak honey turned out to be the honey with the strongest antioxidant activity.

Heather Honey

In Greece there are four plants of the heather family from whose nectar secretions similar honeys are made. Autumn heather, also known as "Erica verticillata", spring heather (Erica arborea), Kumaria (Arbutus unedo) and Rhododendron. The honey produced by these four plants has different properties and studied separately. A 2012 study found that heather honey has the highest phenolic content, meaning it has a strong antioxidant effect. Heather honey has the unique property of lowering cholesterol, it is a real remedy for children suffering from adenopathy and anemia, while pollen certainly cures prostatitis in the elderly.

Beware of large doses is a mild hypnotic and depressant of the nervous system.

Autumn heather honey (Sousoura)

It is produced in large quantities in several parts of the country. For this it is a product of very high nutritional value and often available in health food stores. It requires special care because it sours more easily than other honeys due to the high humidity and the high content of sugar fungi.

Taste: Typical, strong taste.

Aroma: Typical, delicate, earthy and bushy, which leaves a feeling of forest.

Color: Reddish

Crystallization: Due to the high natural glucose content, it crystallizes very quickly (1-3 months)

Seasonality: Autumn

Nutritional value: It is considered high nutritional value and tonic for the human body because it contains dozens of natural nutrients, vitamins, enzymes and amino acids. It has antiseptic, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory properties, is a diuretic, disinfectant of the urinary system, has a beneficial effect on stones formed in the urinary system, renal colic, chronic cystitis, prostate and edema, liver and gallbladder diseases.

Spring heather honey

It is characterized by a high concentration of glucose.

Taste: Milder than autumn honey

Aroma: Fine aroma

Color: Light color

Crystallization: Due to the high natural glucose content, it crystallizes very quickly (1-3 months)

Seasonality: Spring

Nutritional value: Slightly lower in nutritional value than autumn rye honey.


Arbutus Honey

Arbutus honey is a tonic for bees, but is bitter to humans and of limited commercial value. It is usually not harvested, but left in the hives for the bees to overwinter. It is considered ideal for diabetics as it has the lowest sugar content. It crystallizes in 2-4 months.

Rhododendron Honey

There are 400 species of Rhododendron. In Greece it is found mainly in Azaleas, Kalmia and Asklipia. Honey extracted from these plants before it is ripe contains the substance andromedotoxin, which is toxic to both bees and humans. When the honey is fully ripe, the toxicity of this substance disappears. According to the international literature, cases of honey poisoning are so rare that they would rather be classified as a general allergic reaction (Olszowy, 1977; Krochmal, 1994).

Sunflower honey

Sunflower occupies important cultivated areas in Greece and provides a large production of honey. The high moisture content and high glucose concentration make this honey sensitive. It is acid and crystallizes easily.

Taste: Sweet taste and buttery texture due to the fine crystals that form in the body.

Aroma: Fine aroma.

Color: Typical yellow color.

Crystallization: Crystallizes quickly, in 1-2 months.

Seasonality: Summer.

Nutritional value: It is particularly rich in polyphenols, essential for the human body.

Asfakas honey

One of the rarest honeys, as it is very difficult for bees to collect nectar in the narrow and deep calyx of the Asfakas flower. In trying to collect nectar, they become exhausted and weakened, which is why many beekeepers do not engage in its production, although the Asfakas plant is found everywhere in Greece.

Taste: medium sweetness, long aftertaste.

Aroma: Intense, pleasant aroma.

Color: Clear pale yellow.

Crystallization: 12-18 months.

Seasonality: Summer.

Nutritional value: Rich in tannins, helps with physical fatigue and good memory function.


Cotton Honey

Cotton honey is one of the pure categories of honey that Greece produces in large quantities. In recent years, its production has decreased significantly due to the great losses inflicted on the bees by pesticides and the low nectar yields of the newly bred native cotton varieties. Bees collect nectar from the flowering and non-flowering nectaries of the plant, as well as from the honeydew secreted by various insects that parasitize the plant.

Taste: Typical fine taste and buttery texture.

Aroma: Distinctive.

Color: Very light.

Crystallization: Crystallizes quickly in 1-2 months and becomes whitish.

Seasonality: Summer.

Nutritional value: It has the greatest bacteriostatic effect compared to other honeys due to its high concentration of hydrogen peroxide. It can also be used as an ingredient in cosmetic creams.

Other types of Greek honey

Joint Pine honey (autumn): a plant that we find in the wheat stalks after the summer rains. Gives abundant pollen and dark, reddish nectar. Dark honey is made from it. It is not very tasty and for this reason is not marketed, but is rich in enzymes and trace elements.

Acacia honey (summer): a honey with a characteristic light, almost transparent color, light but with a very particular aroma and quite sweet taste. Although flower honey does not crystallize very quickly due to its specific fructose/glucose ratio. It can also be consumed by diabetics, because it has a small amount of sucrose.

Flamouria Honey(silver linden): Flamouria produces a honey that is very popular with consumers, in addition to its popular decoction. Flamouria honey has a light amber color, a strong intense flavor and a very characteristic and persistent aroma. Rich in trace elements (potassium, calcium and magnesium).

Clover honey: Clover honey and especially wild clover honey is one of the rare monofloral honeys. Light-colored honey with a very pleasant, delicate taste that lingers in the mouth. It is considered to be sleep-inducing.

Eucalyptus honey: Eucalyptus flowers are particularly attractive to bees because they allow a high collection of pollen and nectar. Its color is usually orange, and its taste and aroma are excellent. Eucalyptus honey has antiseptic and soothing properties and is increasingly used to combat respiratory problems. It soothes coughs, softens the throat and helps treat pharyngitis. It is also ideal for treating urinary tract infections. It crystallizes quickly.