Farnese Hercules

Perhaps the most striking aspect of the Farnese Hercules is his sheer size: he stands at 3.15 metres, almost ten-and-a-half feet. This fine example of Roman sculpture shows the Greek hero – he is sometimes known by his Greek name, as the Farnese Herakles – leaning on his customary wooden club, here cushioned by a lionskin. His downcast eyes, together with his pose, suggest that Hercules has been exhausted by his Labours – and it is on account of this that the sculpture has gained another name, the Weary Hercules.

Lysippos, Farnese Hercules, 4th century B.C.E. (later Roman copy by Glycon)(Archaeological Museum, Naples). Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris & Dr. Steven Zucker. Created by Beth Harris and Steven Zucker.