Amazing aerial video from Kythira

Kythira – Kythera – Kithira Island Holidays Greece At the crossroads of maritime routes to and from the eastern Mediterranean Sea, near the southeastern tip of the Peloponnese, located.

Kythira – Kythera – Kithira is spared by the great power of mass tourism and enabling it to retain its charm and traditions. The island consists of many small villages and settlements, which are mainly in the interior of the island. The mild climate, the varied landscape with its mountains and canyons, the olive groves, the pine trees and cypresses, the churches and monasteries and over and over again the sea with its picturesque bays and beaches enchant the visitor.

Ανάμεσα στο Αιγαίο και το Ιόνιο, μοναδικό και μοναχικό προβάλλει σαν μικρός παράδεισος το πανέμορφο νησί των Κυθήρων.