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Important Stuff You Will Need On Your Next Camping Trip

Camping over the weekend can be an excellent way to beat the stress and the hubbub of the city. The fact that social distancing is an intrinsic part of camping makes it even more attractive as a weekend activity. However, if you are new to camping you need to familiarize yourself with its ins and outs. Not being equipped well enough, whether in terms of toiletries or rations, can make your much-awaited camping trip quite a dismal experience. On the other hand, if you pack meticulously and plan well in advance, camping could become your favorite outdoor activity. 

Whether you are a well-experienced and seasoned camper or a novice, there are a few things you must never forget to carry along with you irrespective of whether you plan to go camping in a recreational vehicle or use tents. Here is some important stuff that you will need on your next camping trip.

Important Documents

While heading out for a camping trip, you should make sure that you and all your fellow campers carry their identification documents and any other documents that would be required during your trip. These documents could include your booking and reservations, your vehicle’s registration and insurance, emergency contact details including those of roadside assistance and emergency rooms in the vicinity. While you might not need most of these documents every time you head out, you can never be too careful and it is always better to be prepared.

A First Aid Kit

A first aid kit is something you hope you would never have to use, but when you do need it, having it on hand proves invaluable. As to what you might consider putting in it apart from regular antiseptic ointments, band-aids, and bandages, it is advisable to equip the first aid kit with medicines for diarrhea, fever, and antihistamines. Antihistamines can not only provide relief from an allergic reaction but can also help with mosquito bites. Mosquitoes can become quite a menace during a camping trip and you should also pack a mosquito repellant to take with you. 


Campers often disagree on toiletries. Some prefer to go natural and avoid using toilet paper entirely when exploring the outdoors, for example, while others prefer to go with more conventional methods. However, irrespective of which category you may fall in, toilet paper is something you should definitely pack. Leaves and twigs just do not make for a suitable substitute. If you fall in the category that prefers to go down the conventional path, the toilet facilities in camping locations can often be unhygienic. If you are camping with an RC camper, then a camper having a bathroom can make your camping trip quite comfortable. Another good alternative would be to carry portable outdoor toilets. These can help you avoid frequent trips to the common camping ground toilet, which in any case would not be a good idea to use given the COVID pandemic. Also, remember to carry your other essentials like soap, a shaving kit, a toothbrush, and toothpaste. You should also carry some trash bags to collect all your trash so that you do not end up littering the camping site.

Navigation Aids

Camping trips often include hikes and treks. Carrying navigation aids with you on your camping trips can richen these experiences. Whether you plan to carry a map and find your route with the aid of a compass or rather stick with the convenience of technology and use a GPS-based system is up to you. The purpose of navigation aids isn’t just to help you explore the wilderness, but also to help you get back safely to your camping location; it is easy to get lost on a trekking trail.

Kitchen Equipment 

If you carry your kitchen equipment without proper planning in advance, you would end up carrying a lot of excess equipment. In order to optimize the packing of your kitchen equipment, you should try to plan out your meals in advance. If you are camping in a recreation vehicle, an RV fridge would be a great addition to your list of equipment. As for the utensils you need, they will depend on what you plan to cook. Dedicated utensils for camping are always available and can prove to be very convenient if you choose to pick them up before you go. When it comes to packing food, you should opt for packaged and preserved items over perishables.

Tent And Sleeping Bags

Tents and sleeping bags are essentials when it comes to camping. Tents not only help protect you from what’s out there but also your luggage. When you pack your tent, don’t forget to also pack all the equipment that you need to set it up. A sleeping bag is just as important. Even in summers, it can sometimes get quite cold during the night, and skipping on a sleeping bag can prove to be a mistake. If you are using an RV, you could skip the tent. Sleeping in a tent can, however, be a lot of fun and is not an experience you would like to miss out on. 

Tool Box And Multi Utility Knives

Carrying a tool kit for your vehicle or RV is important in order to fix any problems that might arise. The tool kit should contain all the basic equipment that you might require like spanners, a plier, screwdrivers, jumper cables, warning signs, wheel chocks, and a flashlight. You should also carry a multi-utility knife. These can come in handy while performing a variety of tasks, from cooking to trekking.

Preparing and planning well for your camping trip can make it a great and memorable experience. Avoid overpacking though; traveling light has its advantages. Camping in a  recreational vehicle can be a great way to go if you do not have too much camping experience. While this is not an exhaustive list and there are various other things that you might require on your camping trip, these are the absolute essentials that you should never skip on.