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How to Learn Greek So That Next Time You Don’t Have to Say It’s All Greek to Me

How often have you heard someone say, “it’s all Greek to me,” to imply that they don’t understand the matter? The phrase means that Greek is one of the most complicated languages to learn. And that’s the truth. Greek happens to be one of the oldest, richest, and most diverse languages in the world. In fact, it’s one of the oldest languages in the world that’s still in use today.

Learning a new language is never an easy task, but it becomes slightly more daunting when it comes to Greek. The Greek language has 5 million words and 70 million word types, making it the richest language in the world. A lot of English words also have roots in the Greek language. 

However, that doesn’t make the language any easier to learn, so you’ll need classes. However, there are many ways in which you can start your Greek learning journey easily. If you’re learning Greek for the first time, it’s best to familiarize yourself with the language first before delving headfirst into learning.

Here are some of the best tips to help you get familiar with the language or even brush up on the lexicon if you have already joined Greek classes. Let’s take a look and practice them in daily life.

Read Books and Book Summaries

There’s no better way to learn a language than reading up the literature in that language. For example, if you are trying to learn English, there are tons of book summaries available online, which give you the gist of classic literature in simpler words. Resources like Sweetstudy's literature are exceptionally useful for those trying to choose English as their second language. You get access to simpler summaries of classic literature like Don Quixote and Pride & Prejudice.

Similarly, you can find online resources for the Greek language to provide you with access to classic Greek literature summaries without being overwhelming. You can also read your favorite fairy tales or folklore in Greek translation if you want. Reading a familiar story in the language you want to learn is quite helpful. Since you are already aware of the story, it will help you grasp the lexicon better.

Watch and Listen to Greek Shows or Radio

You learn to speak and understand your native language as you grow up listening to it. Therefore, listening is a key aspect of learning any new language. To pick up Greek language skills, start listening to the Greek news on the television or radio. 

This practice will introduce you to many difficult words in the Greek vocabulary. Dedicate more time to this activity, and you’ll be able to grasp the pronunciation. It will be difficult at first, but gradually you’ll start understanding the basic meaning of all complicated words and their pronunciation. 

Along with this, see if you can pick up the habit of reading Greek articles and blogs online. Pick your favorite topics like health, nutrition, travel, or anything that will pique your interest in reading and language learning.

Listen to Greek Music

As we mentioned, listening to Greek is crucial for learning the language. You can add a fun element to the experience by listening to Greek music. While the music will elevate your mood, you’ll be able to recognize and recall several words you have learned.

Additionally, you’ll come across new words and learn the meanings of those words. You can tune in to e-Radio Cyprus or e-Radio Greece to listen to the latest and trending Greek music. Radio will also familiarize you with Greek culture and the socio-political situation of Greece.

Watch Greek Movies with Greek Subtitles

To make the whole process further efficient, watch Greek movies with subtitles in your native language and then with Greek subtitles. Some players also let you run two subtitle files simultaneously, which you can use to run Greek and Native language subtitles together.

Your mind will be able to pick out the Greek words that you already know and pinpoint new words that you need to learn. Once again, it will be difficult initially, but it gets easier as you build up basic vocabulary.

Speak The Language

If you have Greek or Cypriot friends/relatives, try to speak with them in Greek without being afraid of making mistakes. It’s quite natural to make mistakes when learning a language; hence, nothing to be embarrassed about. Your acquaintance will be happier to see you taking on their language and will be more than glad to correct you when you make mistakes.

Learning a new language will open new doors of opportunities for you and add a new dimension to your personality. The tips mentioned in this article will make the whole learning experience enjoyable and productive.