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More than 200 archaeological sites are reopening on May 18 according the the Ministry of Culture.

Archaeological Site of Mycenae

More than 200 archaeological sites are reopening on May 18 according the the Ministry of Culture.

Archeological sites are the first category of cultural sites to return to normal operation, followed by summer cinemas on June 1, museums on June 15 and art events on July 15, as Culture Minister Lina Mendoni has announced.

They will operate from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. with all the necessary safety measures, according to the instructions of the National Public Health Organisation (EODY).

These include keeping the distance of 1.5 meters, ensuring the maximum number of visitors per archeological site, marking safe routes, separating entry and exit while placing plexiglass divider panels if needed.

There will also be special rules for sanitary facilities. The use of a protective mask is also recommended as well as the use of alcoholic antiseptic solution.

Source: ANA-MPA