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Ancient Greece Research Paper Topics

If you are a student and you are taking a course on ancient Greece at university, then there is a good chance that you will be given a history assignment on a related topic. And then you start saying, "EssayAssistant write my essay, because I don't know what I can write about ancient Greece, I won't be able to do it. 

If that's the case, where do you start? Here are a few suggestions to get you started to write a research paper.

Gods and religion

If you've read anything about the Greeks, you've probably heard something about their vast pantheon of gods. There's plenty to talk about, from folklore to holidays to religious rituals. Consider why specific gods were adored and how the ancient Greeks' religion affected or was influenced by their civilization.


Music was an important aspect of life on the Balkan peninsula, from the lyre to the aulos, and it developed into a rich heritage. What role did music play in your daily life? How significant was it? It's always worth checking out.

War of the Trojans

Epic poetry and research are prominent topics. Look into the Trojan wars' history. The Trojan War provides ample research opportunities, from the real-life sides involved to how the war was eventually viewed in later eras.

The Balkan Peninsula and its adjacent islands are known for their distinctive landscape. What impact did this have on the Ancient Greeks? This might provide you with a lot of information about their culture.


The employment of slave labor was a sad part of Grecian life. What impact did slavery have on local culture? Look up the history of the helots, a type of military slave employed by the Spartans. A research paper has a lot of exciting potential.

During this historical period, philosophers such as Socrates and Aristotle are renowned. What kind of impression did they leave? What impact did the culture have on their thoughts?

The Minoans 

This was another important civilization at the time, and it is mentioned in classic stories such as the Labyrinth story. However, only a few historians are familiar with the entire story of the ancient Minoans. This has a lot of promise.


There's no doubt that this was a period marked by a great deal of strife. Why did so many disputes and wars start? Check it out.

In many cultures, literature is an important topic of study. So pay attention to the Greeks of antiquity. It's an interesting topic of study to look at what impacted their poetry and writing.


We hope that some of the essay topics we have suggested have resonated for you and that you will be able to write a good text. But if you are still not very confident in your abilities, then know that you can always turn to an essay help service EssayAssistant, where experienced experts (essay writer or thesis writer) will write a really high-quality and cool work for you.