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Why Greek Vacations Can Improve Relationships

Greece is a prime destination for couples of all ages. Whether you are celebrating a honey-moon or a 50th anniversary, it can be a fantastic choice. Vacations in general can be beneficial to mental health and can help you improve your relationship.

By Marie Miguel

However, if you have hit a rocky patch that an island getaway will probably not fix, then you can also look into couples counseling. BetterHelp has therapists available who are qualified to help you out.

In addition to providing you with some Greek destinations that could be romantic when you decide to visit, this article includes some of the beneficial ways that a vacation can help your relationship to grow.

How Can a Vacation Improve Relationships?

A vacation is something many of us look forward to throughout the days, weeks, and months before it arrives. We like to get away from our daily routine and hard work, even if it is only for a week or even a weekend. There are some research-based benefits to taking a vacation that relate to your relationship and your mental health.

Boost Happiness

Well, most people are happy to go on vacation. It can be fun and break up their mundanity. This is not just a feeling that you will experience while you on vacation and it may impact your happiness even after you return to work.

Research shows that people who make the time to travel and take vacations are more satisfied with life and have greater well-being than those who do not.  In addition, even planning a trip may help to improve your well-being.

If a vacation boosts your happiness as well as the happiness of your partner, it is likely that you will feel happier together. This can strengthen your relationship and foster positivity.

Improves Relationship Satisfaction

One study shows that women who take vacations are less likely to be tense, depressed, or tired and they say, “happy wife means a happy life.” The experiences we have on vacation as well as the memories we make can help us to improve our satisfaction in the marriage or relationship and it can help us reduce negative experiences with our partner.

Other research founds that couples who travel more not only have improved satisfaction, but also have a better sex life and romance. This effect seems to last long after the end of the vacation as well. Just taking a weekend getaway may be enough to spark romantic feelings and intimacy.

The memories and experiences you make with each other will last forever and can strengthen the bond between you. This can help you build a connection that can help you work together to improve the relationship as a whole.

Better Sleep

Taking a vacation can also improve the quality of your sleep. When we are working daily and consistently checking our email and phone, this can hinder our sleep habits. When we are on vacation, we can easily follow our natural tendencies. Vacation can also provide the opportunity to sleep in, which may be a rarity during your normal schedule.

Sleep is crucial for good mental and physical health. Our brain does not function properly when we do not get enough sleep. Our brain needs time to process all of the information that it registered throughout the day. You may not want to sleep your vacation away, but it can be a great benefit to your health to make sure that you get enough.

Lower Risk of Heart Disease

A vacation may be good for your heart. Some research suggests that taking at least one vacation every two years could reduce the risk of heart attacks and coronary heart disease. In fact, the benefit could be significant and skipping a vacation could increase your risk of heart disease and related incidents including strokes.

When we are on vacation, we also often walk around and exercise without even realizing how much physical activity we are participating in. If you visit Greece, you may walk around the city squares, islands, and beaches for hours without it seeming like a workout at all.

Another study found that middle-aged men who took regular vacations had a lower risk of death overall. A lot of the preventable deaths were attributed to coronary heart disease, but that may not be the only factor.

 Reduced Stress Levels

Most people work, and sometimes work way too much. We could all use a break at some point. Work, and life in general, can be very stressful. We sometimes do not have the time to pursue hobbies or find enough joy and fun. A vacation can allow us to do things that make life worth living.

This can help us reduce our stress levels. Research shows that just a short break from work on a vacation could drastically reduce stress levels. This could even help us prevent burnout and mental fatigue that often coincides with high stress levels.

Improve Productivity

It may not seem like getting away from work can be more productive than actually working, but it may help to improve your productivity and make a substantial difference in the long run. One study found that people who do not take vacations could be bad for productivity and the overall economy.

When we return to work after a relaxing vacation, we will be more likely to adequately focus on work and stay productive throughout the entire workday. Studies have found that time away could help us properly function and reduce the stress that can be distracting.

Even short vacations can help produce alpha waves that may impact creativity and production. Playful and enjoyable activities can also increase dopamine and improve our mood, which may also have a beneficial effect on task completion.

Romantic Greek Destinations

Greece is full of great places to enjoy with your partner. The romantic aspects of Greece are easy to find, but not every location is for every couple. Let’s check out some of the romantic hotspots that you may want to consider for your next vacation.


Athens is the capital of Greece and is full of culture to experience. The art galleries and museums are plentiful and there are neighborhoods that are known for romantic terraces. You can enjoy a romantic meal or share a cocktail while overlooking the Acropolis.

There are also food tours available for couples who love to eat. In addition, the locals are friendly and there is plenty to do at all hours of the day. There are bars and districts primed for the nightlife. It is also an easy city to walk around, which can be great for both physical and mental health.


Santorini is a dream location. There are beaches sparkling with volcanic colors and settlements that scream “Greek culture.” If you choose Santorini, you may want to check out the Akrotiri lighthouse.

The cliffs and natural landscapes are great for relaxation and romance. Watching the sunset over the sea can be a great way to spend an intimate evening. The unique features around the island make it a fairy tale come true. During the day you can take a stroll down the cobblestone alleys or visit the shops and delis.


Corfu is rich in culture and Greek heritage. There are cafes and bistros that are great for experiencing the Greek lifestyle. This a great spot for couples who want to walk around enjoying Venetian fortresses, palaces, and gardens. There are also museums to learn about the history and culture of the region.

If you like beach vacations, Corfu has plenty as well. There are bars and coves for intimate relaxation and privacy. You can even take a boat trip. Be sure to look at the appropriately named Paradise Beach while you are on the island.


Mykonos is a great location for fun and pleasure. If you want to live like royalty, Mykonos is the spot. There are also windmills, shops, and art everywhere to soak in along with the sun. In addition, the beaches are fantastic and there are plenty of them.


The famous island of Crete is another great location for honeymoons and anniversaries. The old town of Rethymno is quant and fun. Venetian features line the alleys and roads, and you can check out the dining by the castles in Chania.

There are tons of great beaches that offer swimming, privacy, or natural discovery. You can also take a boat excursion to check out the exotic island of Chrissi. You will never run out of things to do in this cultural wonderland.


Rhodes is another island that offers the perfect locale for couples. You can take a walking tour of the medieval old town. The lamp-lit alleys and castles put you in the atmosphere of times long past. There are also romantic views and beaches with excellent views.


Thessaloniki is a romantic location that many people around the world disregard when planning a vacation in Greece. It has astounding views, particularly in the White Tower. You can also take a nice relaxing walk on the waterfront or head into the town. The culture is rich, and the city center has plenty of historical and artistic locations to offer tourists. The Upper Town has Venetian castles, and you can even see Mt. Olympus on a clear day.


The island of Skiathos in the Sporades has a nice town full of shops and restaurants offering anything your heart and stomach desire. You can check out Bourtzi for tapas or to have a drink in a romantic environment.

There are regular ferries to connect you to other cities and islands and there is even an airport. You can check out Lalaria beach one day and then a more private beach at Elia the next morning.


Milos has fishing villages and settlements that offer the multicolored architecture that people often associate with Greece. There are also great beaches with idyllic views. Try taking a romantic boat trip around Milos or enjoy a drink in a bar overlooking the Aegean Sea.


This island has gorgeous beaches, and the town of Hora offers plenty to do. You can see wonderful windmills and beautiful courtyards. The island is even shaped like a butterfly and there are plenty of beachfront destinations to consider.

The food is traditional Greek style and offers the best of Mediterranean flair. You will never forget where you are when you are on Astypalea, butterfly island.

How to Take a Vacation for Mental Health and Relationships

Planning on getting away, but unsure how to do it? Most people can’t just take off away from work and responsibilities anytime they want. That can be stressful in the end and may not be the best for your relationship. There are some things to keep in mind to make sure you take care of your relationship and your mental health when you are planning a vacation or a trip to Greece.

First, you will want to plan ahead. Not only can the planning improve your mental health, but it can also make sure that you have everything you need while you are away from home. Planning can reduce the stress of traveling or leaving. You can even plan activities before you leave, but just make sure to leave space for sleep and for when unexpected situations occur.

Part of planning ahead is using a list for packing. You never want to get thousands of miles away from home just to realize that you forgot your medication and it would not be good to arrive at the airport to find that your passport is not where you thought it was. You can begin to write down anything that you need during the trip months before the trip even happens. This will help to ensure that you do not forget any necessities.

Make sure to relax. Sometimes people are trying to save money on expensive hotels or the trip as a whole. However, your mental health and your partner will thank you for spending the extra money for a optimally located hotel with full room service. This also ensures that you have a place to be intimate when the mood strikes. Plus, if it rains on the day you planned on visiting the beach, you can still relax indoors for a while when you are waiting for the clouds to pass by.

When you plan, try to include plenty of extra time. You never know when you will find something else to do or you may just lose some time in traffic. The purpose of a vacation is to do whatever you want and to relax while you are doing those things. While you probably want to fully experience Greece, you do not want to pack your schedule to tight because that can make the trip more stressful than it should be.

Try to slow down and take in the full experience. If you are just trying to see as many things as possible or doing too much, you may not be able to fully soak in the Mediterranean sun and Greek culture. Make sure you plan fun activities, but also enjoy those activities in the moment. In fact, research shows that the vacations with the longest lasting benefits to well-being were those that were incredibly relaxing.

Plan things not only for you, but for you partner. While you will both probably enjoy many of the same experiences, there are probably other things that they like more than you. Plan something nice for them one evening that you would not do for yourself. This can be fulfilling and meaningful and strengthen your bond during the trip.

Make sure that you plan time to sleep and eat regular meals. Most people like to eat local food when they are in a different city or country, but you may forget how important it is to eat three meals each day and to get plenty of sleep.

Greece also has a lot of natural locations that can be good for you during the vacation. Nature can help us to relax and relieve our high stress levels. When you are in Greece, be sure to experience the beaches and gardens. This will not only improve your well-being, but it can also make the entire experience more memorable.

Returning After a Vacation for Mental Health and Relationships

When you are returning from a vacation, there may be a tendency to feel down or to return to normal, negative habits. However, there are some things you can do to return in a healthy way that can benefit you and your relationship with your partner.

People often get sad or even depressed when they return from vacation because the excitement and relaxation is over. This can make the boost in happiness and well-being short lasting. However, you probably want those benefits to last much longer.

It can help to have all your chores completed before you leave on the vacation. You never want to return home just to clean up or do the dishes. That is not fun, and even though the vacation was relaxing, you may be tired from all of the stuff that you experienced. Try to make it a welcoming, homely experience for when you arrive on your own doorstep.

It is also best to plan at least one day, but preferably two or more, in between your return to home day and your return to normalcy and workday. This may not always be possible depending on your days off and your budget, but it can be beneficial to do it if you can. This gives you time to adjust and take care of other things around the home before you get back to your busy routine.

You may even want to use those transition days to plan something fun for when you return home. This can make it a more gradual return to normal and give you something to look for when you get back. It can be something as simple as a movie or date night. This will allow you to see that you can still have fun even though the vacation is over.

You can even talk about the experience of the trip with your partner. This can make the memories and bonds stronger and help them to last longer. You may even want to look back over pictures or keep a travel journal that you can revisit whenever you desire.

If you took a vacation with hopes that it would improve your stress levels, well-being, or relationship, then you will want to keep that in mind when the vacation is over. If you discovered new ideals, goals, or connections, then try your best to keep those things alive. This can make the experience more meaningful for the rest of your life and can be a catalyst for lasting change and benefits.

You can also use the vacation experience as an opportunity to practice gratitude and mindfulness. You can use the relaxing experience in Greece to learn how to be more mindful during your regular routine or you can learn to be more grateful about the little things that you found to be beneficial while you were away from home. Vacations in other parts of the world can also often provide us with a change in perspective that can be beneficial.


Greece can be a wonderful destination for couples looking to ignite or reignite intimacy and passion. There are tons of unique places along the Aegean Sea and around the country. You can soak up sun and culture and have fun on beaches and through neighborhoods lined in cobblestone. It can be a great way to forge better connections, form new memories, and learn about yourself.

Planning a trip does not have to be stressful and taking a trip should never increase your stress levels. Try to relax and enjoy the time in the moment. This can make for a more enjoyable experience. In addition, be sure to create an environment that you want to return to and focus on using the improvements to your relationship to continue to grow once you get back to your normal schedule.

Marie Miguel Biography

Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.