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Erdogan, Cavusoglu warn Greece over Oruc Reis

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Friday that Greece had attacked its seismic survey vessel Oruc Reis and warned that if it does so again in the future, Turkey will retaliate.

Speaking to reporters after Friday prayers in Istanbul, Erdogan said one of the warships accompanying Oruc Reis, the Kemal Reis, had “given the necessary response” to an attack by Greek ships on Thursday. “If this continues, they will receive their answer in kind,” he said.

Erdogan’s threat echoed a warning issued earlier Friday by his foreign minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, who said Greece should not provoke the Oruc Reis in the Eastern Mediterranean “like it did before, or it will get a response.”

Cavusoglu also said that the European Union should no longer “pamper” Greece, and support diplomacy and common sense instead. [Reuters]